Conversation with South African poets - 7: Liyema Mkabile
This time, I've chosen a poem by Liyema Mkabile in Botsotso, titled Doek: Black and Female . There was no way I could think of to respond to this poem that didn't seem like cultural appropriation, so instead, I resorted to Google again, to try to take my whiteness out of the way. The following "poem" is pretty much just Google search results, but I think it tells a telling tale, while also keeping me in the position of outsider "googling" in. As usual, you are invited to read the original, here , and post your own response in the comments section below. Doek a "poem" "by" Jean Watermeyer, after Liyema Mkabile Doek a headscarf Definitions from Oxford languages Doek on Fleek - how I tie my doek! Fleek: extremely good, attractive, stylish "my hair is fleek right now" How to wear a traditional doek Head wrap tutorials 240 My doek style ideas in 2021 180 best doek style ideas kopdoek: a kerchief or bandana worn as a head covering ...