Conversation with South African Poets - 4: Bernice Puleng Mosala
Bernice Puleng Mosala - This time I'm responding to a poem from the Avbob poetry competition archive , titled Un- by Bernice Puleng Mosala , which won first place in english-language category in the 2019 competition. Here's my response. As usual, you're invited to leave your own response in the comments section below. (Un)requited A poem by Jean Watermeyer, after Bernice Puleng Mosala. She's so (un)assuming, (un)demanding, (un)published, (under)-appreciated, (un)ambitious, (mis)understood. (Backing) singer, (under)study, (mother-)figure, (model) citizen. She would (never) say boo to a goose. She has (flawless) skin and (long) legs. She has the (perfect) figure. She's always (beautifully) dressed. (Before she had children,) she worked as a scientist. (Now she has four,) she writes in her spare time. (She tells herself when they are older) she will do something remarkable. Not that raising c...