Conversation with South African Poets - 2: Charl-Pierre Naudé
Charl-Pierre Naude The conversation with South African poets continues. This time I've gone looking on Poetry International and came across a recently-posted poem by Charl-Pierre Naudé in English and Afrikaans, called, in English, Mosquito nets of Neptune . I love the atmosphere he creates - you can almost smell the rain. Here's my response. Just for fun, since Naudé's poem is in two languages, I've also had a go at translating my response into German, my fairly recently-acquired second language. You're invited to leave your own response in the comments section. We have the wind a poem by Jean Watermeyer, after Charl-Pierre Naudé Somewhere a tropical storm is coming. In Cape Town, we have the wind -- the sky moving en masse , grazing the ground, ripping clouds in and out of existence, breaking against the mountains, chasing even the kite surfers one by one in from the waves, blu...